Livestock primary production and its associated secondary industry is the cornerstone of agricultural production within the province. Given the numerous challenges that the industry faces with disease risk, producer development, and market access, Agri Eastern Cape has decided, after consultation with the Eastern Cape Red Meat Producers Organisation to establish a permanently staffed RED MEAT DESK within the new Agri Eastern Cape structure, under the Commodity Chamber.
This desk will focus on the management of animal disease threats in conjunction with the Animal Health Forum, production best practises, market development, producer development and both critical governmental and non-governmental stakeholder engagement.
While this desk has been approved in principle by both organisations, the final details regarding funding, membership, and affiliation still need to be finalised. The final procedure regarding these organisational issues will be discussed by both organisations during the Agri Eastern Cape November General Council meeting.
However, given the urgent necessity to address challenges with the red meat sector within the province in a co-ordinated manner, it was decided at a special General Council meeting held on Tuesday 18 October, to proceed with the process of identifying possible suitable candidates to fill this position from early next year.
Appointments will however not be made until a roadmap, regarding the organisational processes has been finalised at the afore-mentioned November meeting.
We trust the members of Organised Agriculture will support this joint endeavour to provide a critically needed service to red meat producers within the province.
Peter Cloete,
Agri Eastern Cape President
Lewendehawe primêre produksie en sy gepaardgaande sekondêre bedryf is die hoeksteen van landbouproduksie binne die provinsie. Gegewe die talle uitdagings wat die bedryf in die gesig staar met siekterisiko, produsente-ontwikkeling en marktoegang, het Agri OK, na oorleg met die OK RPO, besluit om binne die nuwe Agri OK-struktuur, onder ons Kommoditeitskamer, 'n permanent bemande ROOIVLEIS LESSENAAR, te vestig.
Hierdie lessenaar sal op die bestuur van dieresiektebedreigings in samewerking met die Dieregesondheidsforum, beste produksiepraktyke, markontwikkeling, produsenteontwikkeling en beide kritiese regerings- en nieregeringsbelanghebbendebetrokkenheid fokus.
Alhoewel hierdie lessenaar in beginsel deur beide organisasies goedgekeur is, moet die finale besonderhede oor befondsing, lidmaatskap en affiliasie nog gefinaliseer word. Die finale prosedure rakende hierdie organisatoriese kwessies sal tydens die Agri OK November Algemene Raadsvergadering deur beide organisasies bespreek word.
Gegewe die dringende noodsaaklikheid om uitdagings met die rooivleissektor binne die provinsie op 'n gekoördineerde wyse aan te spreek, is daar egter op 'n spesiale Algemene Raadsvergadering wat Dinsdag vandeesweek gehou is, besluit om voort te gaan met die proses om moontlike geskikte kandidate te identifiseer om hierdie posisie van vroeg volgende jaar af te vul.
Aanstellings sal egter nie gemaak word voordat 'n padkaart, rakende die organisatoriese prosesse nie by die voorgenoemde November-vergadering gefinaliseer is nie.
Ons vertrou dat ons lede ons sal ondersteun in hierdie gesamentlike poging om 'n noodsaaklike diens aan rooivleisprodusente in die provinsie te lewer.